FreeBSD version: 10.0
Device: ASUS Aspire One
Symptom: No Suspend/Restart/Shutdown in the logoff menu, and no suspend in the lid close of xfce4-power-manager.
Device: ASUS Aspire One
Symptom: No Suspend/Restart/Shutdown in the logoff menu, and no suspend in the lid close of xfce4-power-manager.
LINUX oriented forums on the Web suggest installing the package pm-utils [1], however, as of today this package is too Linux centric and is not available on FreeBSD.
A SECOND solution offered is the PolicyKit configuration to allow shutdown/restart/standby for all users [2].
AUTHOR SUGGESTS the use of GDM as the X login manager, even for XFCE4 and LXDE, instead of XDM or SLIME.